Tuesday 7 March 2017

Grade 12 Mathematics

The content in grade 12 mathematics classes are often difficult to make hands-on and interactive due to the abstract nature of the topics. In class we presented a few activities that can be done in grade 12 data management, advanced functions and calculus and vectors that can be used.

One of the most interesting activities presented was a math escape room. If you are unfamiliar with escape rooms, escape rooms are rooms that are full of puzzles that need to be solved in order to achieve a certain goal (usually escaping the room) but within a classroom the goal can be to open a box. Escape rooms involve a large amount of collaboration and problem solving. They are also an excellent team building activity.

Escape rooms are a great activity to do in mathematics classrooms because they allow all students to collaborate and work together regardless of mathematical ability. This is because the escape room can be designed so that all types of learners can excel at the activity. For advanced functions the clues can be designed to reflect many different topics covered in the course such as trigonometry, transformations of functions or exponential growth.

Escape rooms are an excellent activity to do at the end of a unit as a review class, but could also be supplemented with a formal review session as well. The escape room is not only limited to grade 12 classes either. It can be used in any math class as long as the clues are designed accordingly to your classes mathematical ability.
Overall escape rooms are a great review activity for any mathematical topic!

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